Stoney Corners Wind Farm

Stoney Corners Wind Farm project was one of the most expansive in Windemuller’s history. With a challenge ahead of us, we quickly got our boots on the ground running. We at Windemuller couldn’t be more proud of the outcome. Completed in three phases over three years, the Stoney Corners Wind Farm project tested our limits. The end result is something our client and ourselves can be proud of.

The Solution

Phase 1 involved the installation of two 2.5 megawatt Fuhrlaender turbine generators on 100 meter towers and seven 2.0 megawatt Repower turbine generators on 80 meter towers. The total wind farm electric generation capacity after phase 1 construction was 19MW, with these 475-feet turbines designed to generate energy to roughly 1,400 to 1,600 homes. The majority of this renewable energy is being sold to the Detroit Edison under a 20-year power purchase agreement. Windemuller designed and built the entire electrical balance of the plant, including installing over 17 miles of 34.5 kilovolts direct burial primary cable and single mode fiber optic cable; installation included 5 road bores and three high pressure gas line crossings. A 20 megawatt substation was also built to step the voltage from 34.5 kilovolts to 69 kilovolts for interconnection to the utility.

Phase 2 saw an additional ten 2.0 megawatt Repower MM92 wind turbine generators being installed to expand the capacity of the plant. Windemuller designed and installed the collection system, as well as a 40 MW substation adjacent to the existing 20MW substation. Windemuller also set up the routers and communication systems to transmit meter data to the multiple power purchasers.

Phase 3 completed the Stoney Corners Wind Farm project with the installation of an additional nine 2.0MW wind turbine generators, seven Repower MM92 machines, and two Northern Power 2.2 MW permanent magnet prototype machines. These final additions brought the plant to a full capacity of 60 megawatts.

Let's Talk

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