Power substations are a series of large transformers that “step down” high-voltage power to a series of circuit breakers and distribute that lower voltage to the area being served. Substations for renewable projects perform the opposite function, stepping up the voltage to interconnect within a utility transmission system.
Windemuller has been in the power substation construction business for over 20 years. We have a staff of technical personnel that understand the complicated systems and unique demands of power substation construction and have experience with the high voltages, control relays, and protection schemes involved in these electrical systems. We are ready to help with all of your high voltage power substation construction, including design-build and maintenance. Windemuller is your best choice for a high-voltage electrical contractor.
Looking to get your large renewable energy project or industrial facility connected to the grid? Let Windemuller design the interconnection substation and work with the transmission provide to ensure compliance.
Our Equipment
From line and bucket trucks to high-voltage testing equipment and earth moving capabilities, Windemuller has the resources and expertise to complete any substation project.
Substation Cleaning & Maintenance
Windemuller can take care of all of your needs — from small operations to large multi-building facilities. Our crew will come in during a scheduled shutdown to perform cleaning and maintenance on your primary and secondary switchgear. This process ensures that you’ll continue operating at peak performance and avoid any unexpected power outages, causing a loss of production.
Meet the Team Lead
Curtis joined the Windemuller team right out of high school in 2002 and now leads the Electrical Service department. Curtis enjoys the collaboration with his coworkers and customers, as well as, the culture and variety of work performed on a day-to-day basis.
Curtis Moore Electrical Services Manager