
Project Manager

It’s funny where life takes you. After high school, I headed to college to study education. I wanted to be a teacher – a math teacher, specifically. But college just didn’t work for me. Instead, I did a stint in the Navy and then whipped up a plan to grab my motorcycle and toolbelt and head out for an adventure. Ultimately, I ended up meeting my wife and staying in Michigan, got my builders license, and built houses before joining Top Rail Electric.

I’ve been a journeyman electrician for more than 20 years, but in early 2024 came in from the field to take a new role as account manager in the service department out of the Whitehall office.

Now I’ve been with Windemuller since 2005, after the company acquired my former employer Top Rail. I primarily performed outdoor utilities – big dirt work. Things like duct banks, light pole bases, and underground for traffic controls and water towers. I really enjoyed my time in the field and had a great relationship with my partner out there, but after he retired and then this position opened due to another retirement, it was time to come inside.

As an account manager, I split my time looking at new projects sent my way and putting cost estimates to them, and also keeping an eye on the jobs that are underway – everything from ensuring the necessary permits are in place to getting the right equipment in the right place at the right time.

I’ve got a strong work ethic – something I learned from that former partner out in the field – but at the end of the day, my outlet is music. There’s a mandolin hanging on the wall in my office, and I’ll often stay an hour after everyone else is gone to play. I also enjoy puttering around the garden and in the greenhouse with my wife, Suz, and spending time with my grandchildren.

In my nearly 20 years with Windemuller, what I really appreciate is the trust – from top to bottom and vice versa. You know everyone is going to do what needs to be done. It’s a very trusting culture. There’s no micromanaging. We understand our capabilities and are also provided learning opportunities to grow – leadership wants to empower us.